Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Africa: Perceptions, Historiography, and Imperialism

Over the past several class periods we've examined perceptions and misperceptions about Africa,  geographic and cultural diversity in Africa, the historiography of Africa, and imperialism in Africa.  In a comment to this post, describe how your understanding of Africa has expanded AND identify questions that still need to be answered in our studies.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Geography & Culture of Africa

Characterize the geography and culture of Africa based upon Part A of the Africa regional study.  Be sure to include a thesis statement AND specific details to demonstrate completion and understanding of the activity.

Monday, February 4, 2013

G&D #4 - Issues of Globalization & Development

After watching, taking notes on, and reflecting on one of the videos, post a reflection as a comment to this post.  In your comment, identify the video you chose and a BRIEF statement of WHY you chose this video.  Then, identify any biases/problems with the arguments presented and explain why this issue is something that should be of concern and interest to the global community.

G&D #2 - Ayiti Reflection

Describe your experience in the Ayiti game.  What have you learned from this activity?  What does it tell us about the state of globalization and development?